Basic English Bible
|Nahum 1:11|
One has gone out from you who is designing evil against the Lord, whose purposes are of no value.
|Nahum 1:12|
This is what the Lord has said: The days of my cause against you are ended; they are cut off and past. Though I have sent trouble on you, you will no longer be troubled.
|Nahum 1:13|
And now I will let his yoke be broken off you, and your chains be parted.
|Nahum 1:14|
The Lord has given an order about you, that no more of your name are to be planted: from the house of your gods I will have the pictured and metal images cut off; I will make your last resting-place a place of shame; for you are completely evil.
|Nahum 1:15|
See on the mountains the feet of him who comes with good news, giving word of peace! Keep your feasts, O Judah, give effect to your oaths: for the good-for-nothing man will never again go through you; he is completely cut off.
|Nahum 2:1|
A crusher has come up before your face: keep a good look-out, let the way be watched, make yourself strong, let your power be greatly increased.
|Nahum 2:2|
For the Lord will make good the vine of Jacob, as well as the vine of Israel: for the wasters have made them waste and sent destruction on the branches of their vine.
|Nahum 2:3|
The body-covers of his fighting men have been made red, the men of war are clothed in bright red: the war-carriages are like flames of fire in the day when he gets ready, the horses are shaking.
|Nahum 2:4|
The war-carriages are rushing through the streets, pushing against one another in the wide ways, looking like burning lights, running like thunder-flames.
|Nahum 2:5|
He takes the record of his great men: they go falling on their way; they go quickly to the wall, the cover is made ready.
Haga clic para leer Josué 18-21