Darby Version
|Lucas 12:21|
Thus is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.
|Lucas 12:22|
And he said to his disciples, For this cause I say unto you, Be not careful for life, what ye shall eat, nor for the body, what ye shall put on.
|Lucas 12:23|
The life is more than food, and the body than raiment.
|Lucas 12:24|
Consider the ravens, that they sow not nor reap; which have neither storehouse nor granary; and God feeds them. How much better are *ye* than the birds?
|Lucas 12:25|
But which of you by being careful can add to his stature one cubit?
|Lucas 12:26|
If therefore ye cannot [do] even what is least, why are ye careful about the rest?
|Lucas 12:27|
Consider the lilies how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I say unto you, Not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed as one of these.
|Lucas 12:28|
But if God thus clothe the grass, which to-day is in the field and to-morrow is cast into [the] oven, how much rather you, O ye of little faith?
|Lucas 12:29|
And *ye*, seek not what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink, and be not in anxiety;
|Lucas 12:30|
for all these things do the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows that ye have need of these things;
Haga clic para leer Josué 14-17