World English Bible
|Lucas 6:21|
Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.
|Lucas 6:22|
Blessed are you when men shall hate you, and when they shall exclude and mock you, and throw out your name as evil, for the Son of Man's sake.
|Lucas 6:23|
Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven, for their fathers did the same thing to the prophets.
|Lucas 6:24|
But woe to you who are rich! For you have received your consolation.
|Lucas 6:25|
Woe to you, you who are full now, for you will be hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep.
|Lucas 6:26|
Woe, when men speak well of you, for their fathers did the same thing to the false prophets.
|Lucas 6:27|
But I tell you who hear: love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
|Lucas 6:28|
bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you.
|Lucas 6:29|
"To him who strikes you on the cheek, offer also the other; and from him who takes away your cloak, don't withhold your coat also."
|Lucas 6:30|
Give to everyone who asks you, and don't ask him who takes away your goods to give them back again.
Haga clic para leer Jueces 1-3