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Young's Literal Translation
|1 Samuel 21:11|
and the servants of Achish say unto him, `Is not this David king of the land? is it not of this one they sing in dances, saying, `Saul smote among his thousands, and David among his myriads?`
|1 Samuel 21:12|
And David layeth these words in his heart, and is exceedingly afraid of the face of Achish king of Gath,
|1 Samuel 21:13|
and changeth his behaviour before their eyes, and feigneth himself mad in their hand, and scribbleth on the doors of the gate, and letteth down his spittle unto his beard.
|1 Samuel 21:14|
And Achish saith unto his servants, `Lo, ye see a man acting as a madman; why do ye bring him in unto me?
|1 Samuel 21:15|
A lack of madmen [have] I, that ye have brought in this one to act as a madman by me! doth this one come in unto my house?`
|1 Samuel 22:1|
And David goeth thence, and is escaped unto the cave of Adullam, and his brethren hear, and all the house of his father, and go down unto him thither;
|1 Samuel 22:2|
and gather themselves unto him do every man in distress, and every man who hath an exactor, and every man bitter in soul, and he is over them for head, and there are with him about four hundred men.
|1 Samuel 22:3|
And David goeth thence to Mizpeh of Moab, and saith unto the king of Moab, `Let, I pray thee, my father and my mother go out with you, till that I know what God doth for me;`
|1 Samuel 22:4|
and he leadeth them before the king of Moab, and they dwell with him all the days of David`s being in the fortress.
|1 Samuel 22:5|
And Gad the prophet saith unto David, `Thou dost not abide in a fortress, go, and thou hast entered for thee the land of Judah;` and David goeth and entereth the forest of Hareth.
Haga clic para leer Deuteronomio 32-34