Basic English Bible
|Juan 10:1|
Truly I say to you, He who does not go through the door into the place where the sheep are kept, but gets in by some other way, is a thief and an outlaw.
|Juan 10:2|
He who goes in by the door is the keeper of the sheep.
|Juan 10:3|
The porter lets him in; and the sheep give ear to his voice; he says over the names of the sheep, and takes them out.
|Juan 10:4|
When he has got them all out, he goes before them, and the sheep go after him, for they have knowledge of his voice.
|Juan 10:5|
They will not go after another who is not their keeper, but will go from him in flight, because his voice is strange to them.
|Juan 10:6|
In this Jesus was teaching them in the form of a story: but what he said was not clear to them.
|Juan 10:7|
So Jesus said again, Truly I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
|Juan 10:8|
All who came before me are thieves and outlaws: but the sheep did not give ear to them.
|Juan 10:9|
I am the door: if any man goes in through me he will have salvation, and will go in and go out, and will get food.
|Juan 10:10|
The thief comes only to take the sheep and to put them to death: he comes for their destruction: I have come so that they may have life and have it in greater measure.
Haga clic para leer Jueces 1-3