Young's Literal Translation
|1 Tesalonicenses 4:1|
As to the rest, then, brethren, we request you, and call upon you in the Lord Jesus, as ye did receive from us how it behoveth you to walk and to please God, that ye may abound the more,
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for ye have known what commands we gave you through the Lord Jesus,
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for this is the will of God -- your sanctification; that ye abstain from the whoredom,
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that each of you know his own vessel to possess in sanctification and honour,
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not in the affection of desire, as also the nations that were not knowing God,
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that no one go beyond and defraud in the matter his brother, because an avenger [is] the Lord of all these, as also we spake before to you and testified,
|1 Tesalonicenses 4:7|
for God did not call us on uncleanness, but in sanctification;
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he, therefore, who is despising -- doth not despise man, but God, who also did give His Holy Spirit to us.
|1 Tesalonicenses 4:9|
And concerning the brotherly love, ye have no need of [my] writing to you, for ye yourselves are God-taught to love one another,
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for ye do it also to all the brethren who [are] in all Macedonia; and we call upon you, brethren, to abound still more,
Haga clic para leer Levítico 17-19