Young's Literal Translation
|Lucas 11:1|
And it came to pass, in his being in a certain place praying, as he ceased, a certain one of his disciples said unto him, `Sir, teach us to pray, as also John taught his disciples.`
|Lucas 11:2|
And he said to them, `When ye may pray, say ye: Our Father who art in the heavens; hallowed be Thy name: Thy reign come; Thy will come to pass, as in heaven also on earth;
|Lucas 11:3|
our appointed bread be giving us daily;
|Lucas 11:4|
and forgive us our sins, for also we ourselves forgive every one indebted to us; and mayest Thou not bring us into temptation; but do Thou deliver us from the evil.`
|Lucas 11:5|
And he said unto them, `Who of you shall have a friend, and shall go on unto him at midnight, and may say to him, Friend, lend me three loaves,
|Lucas 11:6|
seeing a friend of mine came out of the way unto me, and I have not what I shall set before him,
|Lucas 11:7|
and he from within answering may say, Do not give me trouble, already the door hath been shut, and my children with me are in the bed, I am not able, having risen, to give to thee.
|Lucas 11:8|
`I say to you, even if he will not give to him, having risen, because of his being his friend, yet because of his importunity, having risen, he will give him as many as he doth need;
|Lucas 11:9|
and I say to you, Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you;
|Lucas 11:10|
for every one who is asking doth receive; and he who is seeking doth find; and to him who is knocking it shall be opened.
Haga clic para leer Deuteronomio 21-23