Young's Literal Translation
|1 Reyes 19:1|
And Ahab declareth to Jezebel all that Elijah did, and all how he slew all the prophets by the sword,
|1 Reyes 19:2|
and Jezebel sendeth a messenger unto Elijah, saying, `Thus doth the gods, and thus do they add, surely about this time to-morrow, I make thy life as the life of one of them.`
|1 Reyes 19:3|
And he feareth, and riseth, and goeth for his life, and cometh in to Beer-Sheba, that [is] Judah`s, and leaveth his young man there,
|1 Reyes 19:4|
and he himself hath gone into the wilderness a day`s Journey, and cometh and sitteth under a certain retem-tree, and desireth his soul to die, and saith, `Enough, now, O Jehovah, take my soul, for I [am] not better than my fathers.`
|1 Reyes 19:5|
And he lieth down and sleepeth under a certain retem-tree, and lo, a messenger cometh against him, and saith to him, `Rise, eat;`
|1 Reyes 19:6|
and he looketh attentively, and lo, at his bolster a cake [baken on] burning stones, and a dish of water, and he eateth, and drinketh, and turneth, and lieth down.
|1 Reyes 19:7|
And the messenger of Jehovah turneth back a second time, and cometh against him, and saith, `Rise, eat, for the way is too great for thee;`
|1 Reyes 19:8|
and he riseth, and eateth, and drinketh, and goeth in the power of that food forty days and forty nights, unto the mount of God -- Horeb.
|1 Reyes 19:9|
And he cometh in there, unto the cave, and lodgeth there, and lo, the word of Jehovah [is] unto him, and saith to him, `What -- to thee, here, Elijah?`
|1 Reyes 19:10|
And he saith, `I have been very zealous for Jehovah, God of Hosts, for the sons of Israel have forsaken Thy covenant -- Thine altars they have thrown down, and Thy prophets they have slain by the sword, and I am left, I, by myself, and they seek my life -- to take it.`
Haga clic para leer Josué 22-24