Young's Literal Translation
|1 Reyes 21:1|
And it cometh to pass, after these things, a vineyard hath been to Naboth the Jezreelite, that [is] in Jezreel, near the palace of Ahab king of Samaria,
|1 Reyes 21:2|
and Ahab speaketh unto Naboth, saying, `Give to me thy vineyard, and it is to me for a garden of green herbs, for it [is] near by my house, and I give to thee in its stead a better vineyard than it; if good in thine eyes, I give to thee silver -- its price.`
|1 Reyes 21:3|
And Naboth saith unto Ahab, `Far be it from me, by Jehovah, my giving the inheritance of my fathers to thee;`
|1 Reyes 21:4|
and Ahab cometh in unto his house, sulky and wroth, because of the word that Naboth the Jezreelite hath spoken unto him when he saith, `I do not give to thee the inheritance of my fathers,` and he lieth down on his bed, and turneth round his face, and hath not eaten bread.
|1 Reyes 21:5|
And Jezebel his wife cometh in unto him, and speaketh unto him, `What [is] this? -- thy spirit sulky, and thou art not eating bread!`
|1 Reyes 21:6|
And he saith unto her, `Because I speak unto Naboth the Jezreelite, and say to him, Give to me thy vineyard for money, or if thou desire, I give to thee a vineyard in its stead; and he saith, I do not give to thee my vineyard.`
|1 Reyes 21:7|
And Jezebel his wife saith unto him, `Thou now dost execute rule over Israel! rise, eat bread, and let thy heart be glad, -- I do give to thee the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite.`
|1 Reyes 21:8|
And she writeth letters in the name of Ahab, and sealeth with his seal, and sendeth the letters unto the elders, and unto the freemen, who are in his city, those dwelling with Naboth,
|1 Reyes 21:9|
and she writeth in the letters, saying, `Proclaim a fast, and cause Naboth to sit at the head of the people,
|1 Reyes 21:10|
and cause two men -- sons of worthlessness -- to sit over-against him, and they testify of him, saying, Thou hast blessed God and Melech; and they have brought him out, and stoned him, and he dieth.`
Haga clic para leer Josué 14-17